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2016 Podcasts

November 17, 2016
2016 Podcasts

I had the honor of being on a few podcasts this year!

Cross-Cutting Concerns

Matt Groves drives a short and sweet 10-minute introduction to building cross-platform desktop apps using Electron. Listen to the end for a bonus outtake ;)

Episode 10: David Neal on Electron

.NET Rocks!

A much longer and in-depth talk with Carl and Richard about building cross-platform desktop apps using Electron.

Episode 1336: Building Cross-Platform Apps using Electron with David Neal

Developer on Fire

A personal podcast on passions, speaking at conferences, the appeal of drawing, and career path joys and woes.

Episode 156: David Neal - Bacon-Driven Drawing

Away from the Keyboard

A more personal podcast of hobbies, how I got into programming, and playing music.

Episode 48: David Neal's Southern Twang